BIOCOS-Nepal (Biodiversity Conservation Society-Nepal) is a non-governmental, non-profit-making and apolitical organization. With the belief that local are real guardian of flora and fauna of their locality, BIOCOS was established a decade ago with the intention of promoting local participation in conservation through community and school based awareness initiatives. Later, we understood that that understanding of species and their relationships with one another, in addition to conservation education and community participation, are crucial. Consequently, research projects were added in our top priority area. So, we seek to conserve species through the community participation based on the foundation of science. The number of species declining and species extinction is increasing day by day. Global warming, poaching, illegal trade and habitat degradation are the major threats to biodiversity. The species of both flora and fauna, according to BIOCOS, are interconnected. The extinction of one species that will have effect on other species. Therefore, we support idea of all species on the Earth are equally important and hence, we prefer to take action to conserve overall biodiversity by putting special emphasis on conservation of key species. Key species are those that are globally threatened species and biologically significant species (i.e. Habitat specialist), such as snow leopard, musk deer, Himalayan black bear, swamp francolin, cheer pheasant.

About Us

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Our Team

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Dr.Paras Bikram Singh

Conservation Ecologist

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Tikaram Poudel

Conservation and Research Officer

Buddhi Gurung

High Land Field Biologist

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Pawan Rai

Program Officer

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Pemdoma Sherpa

Conservation Education Officer

Anusha Pahari

Research Officer

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